INDIOMAS – Research Group

Knowledge of indigenous languages and sign languages in relation University & Society

☛ CNPq Directory

Prof. Dr. Wilmar Rocha D'Angelis (Unicamp)
Prof.. Dra. Consuelo de Paiva Godinho Costa (UESB)

The INDIOMAS Research Group adds, especially young researchers and seeks to encourage especially three types of actions: (i) academic research related to manifest interests of indigenous communities and in collaboration with initiatives and own shares of these communities (particularly in the field of education and training of indigenous teachers); (Ii) rigorous studies of languages or dialects extinct, from historiographical documentation based on the principles of the historical phonology of functionalist line; (Iii) studies and experiments in bilingual education and teaching of Portuguese with deaf people.

It was created in 2008, initially included work on two lines of research. From 2010 we added a third, and in 2015 a fourth line of research and work:
  • (1) The languages of the branch Jê-Meridional and its dialects;
    (2) Languages and extinct or disappearing dialects;
    (3) Phonology and spelling of indigenous languages;
    (4) Bilingual education of the deaf.
Registered since 2008 in the Directory of CNPq Research Groups, under the initial name of "Indigenous Languages Knowledge of Brazilian University in Relation & Society", the group did not already own an acronym. The denomination adopted aimed only clearly express the nature of the group. To emphasize our practice of "knowledge production" (the word "production" is implied) avoid referring to "knowledge of indigenous languages", as it will always be necessarily limited to only one set of them. And the reference to the "relationship University & Society" marks a principle of action which brings together this group of full respect and commitment to the interests of indigenous communities. Unlike some researchers consider that indigenous languages have owners: your speaking communities.

In 2011 we decided to adopt a 'brand'; a name that, not being a shortened form of the group name, serves, however, to identify it. We decided to add the name already registered as par excellence, the epithet InDIOMAS. While "clear" the relationship between words and INDIAN LANGUAGE, this is not a neologism of our own creation, but the adoption of the term "indioma," commonly used by several indigenous communities in Brazil to refer to their own languages. The term is common especially among Kaingang and Nhandewa-Guarani, whose languages are object of research and extension actions of GP leaders. The plural form is placed, given the plurality of languages encompassed by the research group.

Finally, in 2015 we expanded the group and its activities to encompass studies and bilingual teaching experiences for the deaf. Thus, we have revised the description contained in the Group's name, changing it to the current form.